We’re grounded in data-driven precision medicine, designed to uncover your health risks early.
Through comprehensive assessments, we can detect life-threatening conditions at their earliest stages—even before symptoms appear—giving you the power to take control of your health and longevity.
In 2000, Dr. J. Craig Venter made history by sequencing the first human genome alongside NIH consortium partners.
This groundbreaking achievement marked the beginning of the genomic revolution, ushering in a new era of precision medicine and redefining our understanding of human health.
Research Meets Care
Ranked Top 50 Biomedical Companies Globally by Nature Index
We’ve published over 20 scientific papers in high-profile peer-reviewed journals, including Nature Genetics, PNAS, AJHG, Genome Medicine, and many others.
Starting as a research project, Human Longevity has now become a comprehensive precision medicine company under the direction of Dr. Wei-wu He. As one of the original scientists that worked with J. Craig Venter at Human Genome Sciences, Dr. He has been instrumental in bringing the genomic revolution to proactive healthcare.
Human Longevity’s first precision medicine clinic was opened in San Diego in 2015. Since then, our clinic has opened two more locations in San Francisco and Beijing, with plans for seven additional locations across the globe over the next 5 years.